🔰How to Write an Ansible Play-Book To:
🔹 Configure Docker
🔹Setting up a Webserver

We will be using minimalistic knowledge to achieve the task……
Now let’ s jump right into it 🔓
STEP1: Creating a playbook
>> vim docker.yml
STEP2: Installing docker on system
>>Using Yum repository to install Docker-ce(Community ed.)
>> Install package using ansible
STEP3: Installing other Requirements
>> Installing docker-py
>>Starting the docker service
STEP3: Pulling the httpd image from docker Hub
>>Pulling the Image having webserver installed
>>Running the container of the image downloaded
STEP4: Attaching docker port and volume (created) to Base OS
>>When starting container telling the base OS to refer the volume and port to run the webserver
STEP5: Creating the html code
>> writing the code to test our webpage
STEP6: Gathering IP to access the webpage
>> We need IP and port to go to our webpage

Hope this helps you…thanks for reading.