🔰 Create a Setup so that you can ping google but not able to ping Facebook from same system!!

Hello guys this blog it to tell you about how to create a setup where we can ping to google but won’t be able to ping Facebook.
Now let’s get started!!
📀STEP-1: Check the Default Route table.
cmd$: route -n

📀STEP-2: Now trying ping to Google.
cmd$: ping google.com

**As we can see, Ping to google was successful.
📀STEP-3: Now trying ping to facebook.
cmd$: ping facebook.com

As we can see, Ping to Facebook was also successful.
📀STEP-4: Now Deleting the route table as we have to create new.
cmd$: route del -net

📀STEP-5: Testing again if ping is possible after deleting route table?

**Hence proved we can’t without any route table.
📀STEP-5: Adding a new route table as we only need to ping to google.com but not to facebook.
cmd$:route add -net netmask gw enp0s3

We are adding a route table so that we will only be able to ping the google but not facebook.
While adding the new route, we need to pass some options
>> Which Ip range to be given.
>> Netmask or Genmask (same thing)
>> Gateway
>> NIC (which network-card to be used.)
📀STEP-6: Testing again if ping is possible to google or not?

📀STEP-7: Testing now if ping to facebook is possible or not?

- I would like to thank Mr.Vimal Daga for this wonderful task and teaching amazing concepts about Networking and much more.
- Keep on learning and keep on Improving!!