π° 11.1 Configure Hadoop and start Hadoop cluster services using Ansible Playbook!!
Now lets get directly jump into the Task
STEP 1: Write a playbook
>> vim task11_2.yml
>> Transferring Hadoop v1
>> Installing jdk
>> Stopping firewall services

STEP 2: Configuring Hadoop Master
>>Creating Directory
>>Modifying the hdfs site
>>Modifying the core site
>>Formatting the master node
>>Starting the master node

STEP 3: Configuring Slave node
>>Creating Directory
>>Modifying the hdfs site
>>Modifying the core site
>>Starting the Slave node

Step 4: Updating Inventory

STEP 5: Showing Core-site.xml

STEP 6: Showing Hdfs-site.xml

STEP 7:Running Playbook
>> ansible-playbook task11_1.yml

STEP 8:Now Checking inside the Nodes manually
>>Using Jps inside DataNode1 and Datanode 2

STEP 9:Now Checking inside the Nodes manually
>>Using Jps inside Master/Name Node1 and Master/Name node 2

STEP 10:Now Checking The manually
>>hadoop dfsadmin -report